Thursday, May 13, 2010


What is the standard of being successful?
A good relationship? A good position and pay at work? A lot of money?
I don't know what I want to do. So before that I am going to try many things.
I used to think that no matter you went to a good school or not, got good grades or not. As long as you try and workhard for it, you can become successful.
But now I really what should be my start point. I figured out that knew what you want to do before you go for it (plan) is better, because you won't feel so lost, you won't have to worry about what is right or wrong. For now I guess, I dont know what I really want to do or good it. I will just try it first and see what can I do and what I can't do or what I like to do or what I dont like to do. I guess always worrying so much can't help you anything, it will just make you hestitate and can't move on. I should learn to think and do it instead of worrying and thinking negative results.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My goals of this year

1.Work (get the schedule)
2.Make a Schedule for safe driving school program ($125)
3.Take Written test
4.Practice driving
5.Road test
6.Buy a car off credit card bill
8.Try to arrange time to apply visa to japan.
9.Sleep at 10:00 -10:30
10.Buy new cameras (digital and polaroid)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


下个星期一就要开始工作了.那是我从来都没有接触过的领域.不知道我会遇到什么样的人和事,希望我能够适应这一切的新事物. 我能够面对困难吗? 最近觉得很迷惘,不知道自己想要做什么,或者我做的会适合我吗?我很想找个依靠,可是身边却没有可以让我依靠的.到底什么可以让我快乐?是金钱吗?是爱情吗?是亲情吗?是友情吗?可是这一切都不能给我满足.这一切都不能让我的心感到踏实.我很想跟他一起生活的人,不能在一起...我努力的动力是在于有一天两个人能够在一起吗?还是,我在不断的寻找那些让我活着的原因或动力呢?我似乎每一天都在为明天而忧虑。却忘了一天的事当一天当。我忘了去问主,我忘了去求他。主:请指引我的道路,让我不害怕前面要走的路,让我刚强。 愿一切都按照你的旨意而成全。阿们!